Advanced Robotic Hair Transplant

New Hair Transplant Technology in 2024

Artas has changed how surgeons carry out FUE procedures. The process of removing one follicle after the other for transplant can be exhausting especially if the transplanted region is a large one. The advent of robotic hair transplant eliminated a lot of the work that surgeons had to do. However, the original technology was not without its limitations. With time, Artas has had several improvements that have been fundamental in the field of robotic hair transplant. Speed, accuracy, and functionality are some of the areas that Artas has improved. A person planning to get robotic hair transplant in Palo Alto should learn how these advancements have influenced the nature of treatment.

Enhanced Accuracy

The diameter of the punch/needle is one measure that determines the accuracy of Artas. When surgeons first started using robotics for follicular unit extraction, the needle was 1mm in diameter. The punch that followed had a bigger diameter and rotated to reach deeper into the scalp. Then came the 0.9mm, and with further adjustments, it reduced to 0.8, which is what surgeons will find in the latest equipment. It is also possible for doctors to pick between 2 and 4 prongs, depending on the type of scalp. The use of smaller punches for hair transplant has become a common practice among surgeons because they result in smaller wounds and less scaring than with bigger punches.

Better Speed

One way that Artas performs at increased speeds is by improving alignment by making it more precise, which allows the tool to move faster through the transplant area. Instead of the robot retracting after it completes a harvest, it moves from unit to unit thus, saving time. There has been a reduction in the distance that the arms have to cover between distances. This improvement reduces the dissection cycle, which makes it possible to harvest a significant number of grafts per hour; typically up to 1,500. The improved speed also means that someone getting robotic hair transplant in Palo Alto doesn’t have to fret about a lengthy procedure like it was before.


The robot has received design upgrades that have improved some of its features. In earlier designs, if the robotic arm ended up in a cramped position, it took the operator a six-step manual process to recover it. The brake arm release has changed this. There is a button on the robot’s arm that the operator can press to move it and reposition the patient. Through its iterations, the arm has gained a greater reach, and the head has become less bulky such that doctors are able to transplant the hair without repositioning the patient too much. A smaller head also means that Artas can operate at various angles without limitations, which increases the flexibility of the machine.

The advances that Artas has seen over the year have improved the results that people can expect when getting robotic hair transplant in Palo Alto.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly and depend on each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

Keyword: robotic hair transplant Palo Alto

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