Hair Transplant in Palo Alto: Eligibility, Recovery, and Advantages

The wonderful news for those with problems with their locks is that plugs are lost to the past, where they belong. Hair transplant in Palo Alto, just like anywhere else in the world, has started to be better and better, which resulted in more and more people going for it. Indeed, methods for this type of procedure have started to be more and more sophisticated, and the more sophisticated the techniques, the more natural-looking the results. The robotic surgical remover makes the extraction of follicular units, which used to be extremely time consuming, a whole lot faster. This is great, because follicular unit extraction is one of the most natural methods.




The fact that this technique is so minimally invasive presents quite a few benefits. However, it can only be applied to individuals with straight brown or black strands. Indeed, those who have curly strands, or who have strands that are lighter-colored are not eligible for it.Good candidates for this procedure should have a great health state, have loss that is only moderate, and quite a bit of strands that they will be able to have removed and placed on their balding parts.




This is true regardless of whether one has this procedure done with robotics assistance or without, but this procedure is not an invasive one, which means that individuals can go right back to their regular activities 2 to 5 days after the procedure. At this time, the swelling will be most probably mostly gone, though there will likely be some redness and scabs that are noticeable. These typically go away no later than two weeks after the surgery. Another thing to keep in mind is that the strands that were transplanted will fall after 2 to 3 weeks, after which it will start to grow back. This is perfectly normal, and no reason to worry. About 85 to 95 % of roots grow new hair after the procedure.




Having this procedure done with robotics results in a harvesting time that is much, much shorter, and a better accuracy during the harvesting process. In addition, follicular units have an increased rate of survival after being transplanted, which results in more growing back after the initial fall that was mentioned beforehand.


Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

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