How to Care for your Scalp Following a Hair Transplant

Following a hair transplant procedure in Palo Alto, properly caring for the scalp is essential. These care tactics are critical to help minimize the risk of infections, swelling and a prolonged recovery. Given the potential severity of these risks it is critical for patients to know how to properly care for their scalp. From understanding the risks involved in the process, to following the doctors’ orders, elevating the area, and avoiding contact, knowing how to protect your scalp following a transplant is critical.

Know the Risks

Prior to having the procedure, it is recommended that patients educate themselves about the risk involved with it. Doing this can help to minimize their exposure to potential damage. Additionally, it can help to prepare them for the recovery process. The risks that are involved with the procedure include: infection, bleeding, scarring, and patchiness. Being informed of these risks can help to prevent you from incorrectly caring for your scalp following the treatment.

Follow the Doctor’s Orders

Once the surgery is complete, it is essential for patients to follow the orders provided by the doctor. Oftentimes, the doctor will provide you with a carefully-outlined treatment plan. This plan is critical to follow as it can help ensure a successful recovery. Typically included in the regimen is medication that can help mitigate against pain and infection. It is important to note that patients should complete the entire regimen and take it exactly as directed. Failing to do so can result in painful infections and a prolonged recovery period.

Keep Head Wrapped Following the Procedure

Immediately following the procedure, it is recommended that patients keep their head wrapped for the duration of the day. Patients will already be wrapped in a bandage, bandana and surgical cap immediately following the procedure. This is important as the scalp may still be sore from the treatment and can become infected if it is exposed. Rather, patients should check with their doctor for a timeline of when they can begin to remove the wraps following the procedure. Being sure to confirm the removal can help to speed along the recovery and mitigate against potential infections.

Elevate the Head at Night

Another tactic that patients can use following a hair transplant procedure is to elevate the head at night. This helps to limit the amount of swelling that is in the scalp which can help to reduce the pain and discomfort. Elevating the head is recommended to be done for at least three days following the treatment. Finally, it is best for patients to sleep on their back or in a reclining chair to help maintain the head in position.

Disclaimer: We are unable to guarantee any result, even though most of our patients do see success. The results of our services will vary greatly to each patient’s level of commitment and compliance with the program.

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